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Installer Download Information
Sorry for the redirect!
The real download button is below but, before you click again, please take a second to read some additional information that will help your overall download and install experience.
The installer file is being served from a google drive and the following screenshot is the first thing you'll see. Just click the blue download button.
The next screen is likely something scary like this...
We don't know why Google can't scan this file for viruses but we have made every effort to ensure it is virus free. Please click Download Anyway.
After downloading the file, double-click it to start the installer. Your virus software or Windows Defender may pause the install and pop up a window similar to this...
Click the More Info text and then the Run Anyway button when it is shown. After clicking on the Run Anyway button the installer will begin.
Alternatively, direct your virus protection software to do a special scan on the downloaded installer file or the folder it resides in.
Now please click to download...
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